27 November, 2007

Your Car Says A Lot About You

It's common knowledge that your car says a lot about you, and because I'm trying to find myself something with 4 wheels and a working engine to run into signposts and trees, I've been putting a lot of thought into the subject lately.

See, normally I just don't care about cars, they get you from A to B and that's all there is to it as far as I'm concerned, but on the other hand there is the whole "masculinity thing". Which I like to think of more as your car being a representation of your penis (unless you're female, expect in rare unfortunate circumstances rarely seen outside of hentai). So here's my breakdown of different vehicle types and what they really say about you.

Utes: Big manly vehicles, indestructable, they just keep going and going and going and going and going. There's plenty of fun to be had in them, but you're really driving it around to impress the lads, ladies aren't likely to care about the size of your car in this case because you're busy parading it in front of the guys trying to impress them.

Sports cars: Low to the ground and will give you the ride of your life, but they'll almost always run out of gas before you've finished having your fun. They're all about image and won't truly satisfy you.

SUVs: They should be the same as utes, rugged machines built to really show off your manliness. But then soccer mums found out how roomy they are so instead of bringing out the image of the sporty man willing to adventure into the unknown, any guy driving it is likely to be a middle aged married man tied down with 2.5 kids and a dog, not very exciting and you'll probably feel a little guilty about using it.

Drifting Cars: They're small, normally pretty weird shaped and do some crazy things. Like many things out of Japan that you find lots videos on the internet about it looks like it could be fun and if you give it a try you might get hooked and not be able to go back to normal driving, but on the other hand just like the other things you see videos about it can just leave you feeling feeling sick.

"Chick cars": Those girly little cars that no manly man would ever be seen dead in. They may not make your cock look big, but there is probably a reason why women prefer them over those overtly masculine vehicles. If you ask me, that reason is probably because they're reliable, do what they're told, get you exactly where you need to go (provided you know what you're doing) and will go until they get there. Plus they can normally do a few neat little tricks too.

So all in all, if you're looking to get a car to make yourself look good, don't bother, it's saying more about you than you think. If you really want to impress, ignore the machismo and get yourself something that shows you're in touch with your feminine side.

Odds are you'll save money on gas too.

26 November, 2007

I Blame The Non-Liberal Media!

We all know that the cause of every single major problem in America, nay the world, is the fault of the evil, devil worshipping, baby eating LIBERAL MEDIA. And the non-liberal media, such great non-bias sources such as Fox News have done the world a great service by helping to highlight this gross misconduct.

Unfortunately, in helping the world, I think the these great journalists have accidentally pulled the trigger on some of their international allies. Namely the Australian Liberal Party, a conservative group who (as I noted in an earlier entry) suffered a magnificent defeat at the hands of Labor, their inexperienced left wing counterpart.

I don't believe that the defeat of the Liberal Party, formally helmed by John Howard, is reflective of their policies, which were truly representative of what was best for the country of Australia and indeed, the world, but instead due to a confusion caused by the use of the term "liberal". Whilst the Liberal Party had been using the term long before liberals were determined to be the source of all evil, they failed to correct their name to reflect that they were not in favour of such pathetic communist views, something which has definitely cost them.

Don't believe for a second that the "controversial" work choices legislation or the failure to sign the Kyoto protocal was the reason for their defeat, nor was it the supposed charisma of Labor leader Kevin Rudd that lead to this massive landslide result. John Howard failed to have a single bad policy during his entire run as Prime Minister, the man was a political genius and such an inexperienced, pro-communist moron like Rudd is not fit to wipe his boots, let alone usurp him, in fact the sheer "me too"ism of Rudd's Labor party should be reflective of how strong Howard was and how weak Labor will be, yet because of this simple confusion thousands of Australians have been robbed of their right to be governed by the best available people.

Some could argue that it is indeed the fault of the Liberal Party for not acknowledging this confusion earlier, or the leadership concerns with Howard's pending retirement, but let's face it, Australians are meant to be smarter than that. Instead of seeing through the bullshit and knowing that the only right way to vote was to the Right, they folded to cheap parlour tricks revolving around Rudd's plan to "get every kid in Australia wired".

That's right, amongst all his other faults, Rudd is also apparently pro-drugs.

I whole heartedly expect the Liberal Party to take action in the near future so that they will not suffer the same fate come the next election. Especially knowing that under the Union thugs that run the Labor party Australia will suffer.

So in conclusion, thank you Fox for the great service you have done the world, but please be considerate of your international audience in future, even actions done with the best of intentions can backfire.

25 November, 2007

Election 07

So it turns out John Howard and most of the Liberal party is out of the job.

Can't say I'm complaining about that. Not in the slightest.

The part that amuses me most out of all this though is that as a result of the Liberal party being decimated, and Labor already controlling all the states, the highest ranking elected official in the Liberal party is Lord Mayor Campbell Newman. That's right, Lord Mayor of Brisbane is now the highest office held by a Liberal in this country. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I could go on, but I'm not really in the mood. The important thing is that now the Chasers are going to have to think of new material instead of just bugging Howard on his morning walks, although they're bound to get a few more episodes out of that anyhow.

23 November, 2007

A Day Of Awesome?

Yesterday was a weird day.

There were many awesome little tidbits throughout, but quite a lot of boredom and physical pain.

In terms of awesome, Dave the backwards talker (ie, a guy who talks backwards on the radio for the fun of it) said a couple of palindromes I submitted, including "Devil never even lived" which is just pure awesome.

Randall Monroe inspired me to create a ballpit somewhere in my house, or at the least make plans to have one when I get my own place (check out his blag for all the fun little details and some pictures. The little sketches I made for a dedicated ballpit/recreation room are impossible to decipher, but include a raised platform at the back for cushions/beanbags/couches, a fridge tucked away in the raised platform, a 2.5m x 2.5m x 0.6m ballpit, with a little platform on the side for the TV and well . . . despite costing several thousand dollars would just be pure awesome to have as a room in a house. I envy whoever gets the joy of living with me when I get one.

But then you have the not so awesome things that happened yesterday. I suffered numerous papercuts thanks to the latest batch of mailouts, and I still can't work out why papercuts sting so fucking much. I had to arrange discussions with a couple of guys who had no idea what was going on, and because all I knew was that they needed to have discussions with one of the mediators I couldn't do much more than "lolidunno, when can u talk?" There was the sheer joy of sending out masses of rejection emails to people who applied for jobs for a company we recruit for, and now I'm sifting through people saying "thanks for telling me that" and "wtf, i r so gud u must hav had orsm ppl apply cos i r teh greetest!".

Then getting home I was just completely out of it, something that is happening increasingly often for some odd reason, because I was never like that after working at Subway. I may have hated the world coming home from my shifts but I was never out of it, but coming home from working here I just feel . . . drained. It's incredibly weird because my workload is pretty minimal, hell, I spend a large portion of my day browsing Gaia and watching the occasional YouTube clip.

Maybe my body is just in desperate need of adjusting to doing next to nothing again.

21 November, 2007

Genocide is FUN!

If video games have taught me nothing else, and they haven't, it's that if you make things bright and colourful with a happy sound track you can get away with anything, including mass property destruction and genocide.

You can destroy whole continents, squash endangered species and abduct small children, and once you're done with it shoot the collected mass with GIANT EYE LASERS! OF DOOM!

You see, Jane came round yesterday the ease my emoness, and we spent a good amount of time playing We Love Katamari. A game I bought ages ago, had lots of fun with then completely forgot about until yesterday.

With all the shit people give videogames about being a bad influence of children, teaching people to murder and in general being the cause of all evils in the world (aside from America's need for Arabian oil and conspiracies involving Jewish movie producers) . . . I can't believe they missed something so unabashedly evil. Awesome for sure, but evil.

Sure there aren't guns to teach children how to shoot (because movie an analogue stick and pressing a button is just like firing a sniper rifle, and using a D-Pad is just like driving a car) or make them want to beat up hookers with baseball bats, so it is a less obvious target. But it doesn't really make a big deal of hiding the fact that you are rolling up entire cities merely to please the king of the cosmos, who (if not entirely pleased with your efforts) will shoot eye lasers at your happy little ball of destruction, turning whole ecosystems into stardust. Pleasing the king doesn't exactly help your victims either, they get flung into space to form a new planet, enjoy your lack of oxygen children!

I think it was the soundtrack that stopped people from thinking it was evil, something so happy and random just can't be evil. Nothing in the history of the world has ever masked evil behind a happy facade. Ever. In the history of the world.


20 November, 2007

So . . . Damn . . . Bored. . .

It's been a slow couple of days at work, matter of fact, aside from the break up I've had nothing at all to do in the last two days.

So I've been browsing Gaia, smacking people with my mighty mod powers, watching Top Gear on YouTube and playing a little Winterbells.

None of those options held my attention for that long either, Winterbells in particular got boring fast after I remembered that I broke the high score playing it on my Wii one day using the Opera browser.

And now I've just had a meeting to "catch up" on how I'm going etc. Looks like things are going well, but I'm still probably going to be bored.

19 November, 2007

I'm Single Again

I can't be fucked going into details, but Su and I broke up. So long and thanks for all the fish etc. . .

18 November, 2007

Bad Idea

I've learnt today that my stomach capacity is not what I believe it used to be.

I managed to eat a whole pizza for lunch, something I used to manage a few years ago without any problems. But today, it seems to have completely exhausted me.

That's right, I've been incapacitated by a pizza. Somehow, I think this may be considered a somewhat lethal blow to my machoism, but then I look up and see several stuffed toys next to my clock, so I guess that isn't an issue.

16 November, 2007

How Am I Meant To NOT Make Fun?

I watched the "So You Think You Can Dance" finalle last night whilst flicking between various sitcoms.

I don't know how someone can watch that show and not make comments about how ridiculous and stupid the majority of things on it are. Between guys in skirts with the whole slit thing along one side bit going on, guys in heels, people doing random cartwheels/flips/whatever, and the guy in clogs making random clicking noises with his feet, thrusting his hips and twirling. . . I just can't see how the point of the show is anything other than humour.

Probably the highlight of the show for me was what I like to think of as "whore in a box." Nicole (I think she was the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls, a group I think is completely without merit, not that anyone needs to really have me tell them that to work it out) in a box singing her little song very badly, coming out and spouting random little whoreism like "I will do anything" (repeated several times so people would get the point that she really will do anything), making the odd dance move and then of course singing badly, especially in the bit where she deviated from the song to get the crowd involved or something.

There are just so many elements of dancing that I think are essentially retarded. Especially dance routines that are supposably telling a story or whatever the hell the point is to them. Explain it as much as you like, you're just making a string of ridiculous motions in an exercise that does not result in anything. Sort of like playing with a Wii, but without the fun.

Sure there are occasional things that look cool, but they're so heavily surrounded by weird shit that all you can do is stop laughing for a moment to go "not bad. . . oh god why the hell are you thrusting your stomach with your hands held out???"

In other news. . . I have no other news, good day all.

14 November, 2007

Here's Something To Complain About

I've been trying for the last few days to sort out the issues with the monthly newsletter I'm meant to be sending out for work.

I think I've nutted out the problem and solved it, but the problem is that it's slightly too late for this run, so next time I should be able to fire it off without any issues. . .

This time though, I have to sort through the list of error messages that bounced back to me and send them a newsletter, in batches of ten to avoid killing the mail server for the third time. It's a long list.

Howells. It's going to be a long and painstaking process, the perfect thing to bitch about in a blog, no?

Oh that's right!

I'm meant to be updating this thing regularly, aren't I?


Well, nothing at all is really happening in my life worth blogging about. There's been no interesting turn of events, nothing so mind bogglingly dull that I had to tell the world in order to ease the pain. . . nothing.

Okay, maybe something, but amongst all the monotony of the world, forgetting my phone this morning probably doesn't rank up there with what I'd normally bother writing about.

10 November, 2007


So I went for my license today, second try and all that jazz.

It was horrible, I fucked up so many times, forgot to signal, didn't work the clutch smoothly, I even managed to stall the thing. Yet for some reason I managed to pass, so now I need to go get me some wheels.

09 November, 2007

Finally, I Be Doing Things!

Well, it looks like I'm done with the first 1301 letters that I had to send off. Yes, 1301 letters, I did work out exactly how many letters I printed, signed, folded, stuffed into an envelope with a brochure, sealed, stamped and for about 100 stuck a sticker on the back of.

Now I'm progressing into other tasks that are part of my job. The "important" things. Like reorganising the stationery cupboard, calling a few people to arrange mettings, booking flights, placing orders and taking quotes. Oh, and the occasional bit of bludging.

It's actually not that bad, I've even devised a system to keep track of what I'm meant to be doing. It's a little complicated but I think you'll get the basic idea. . . essentially, I write what I need to do on a post it note and stick it to my desk.

Dozens of post it notes have served their purpose and expired already this week because of this practise, but it's most definitely worth it.

In other news, I'm going for my license tomorrow morning, as well as going out with Su tonight and probably a few other things.

So I'm a busy little beaver who shouldn't be wasting time posting boring old blog posts like this one. But I'll still do it because it's better than actually earning my paycheck.

08 November, 2007

Xbox ASPLODE!!!~

Dag nammit, I buy myself two games I was really looking forward to, and what do you know, the 360's high failure rate comes to kick me in the ass.

I was rocking out on Guitar Hero 3 when all of a sudden the console resetted and the disk drive apparently jammed. With a little help from a screwdriver and a paperclip I managed to recover the disk, but methinks I need to send the damn console in for repairs.

Which does have a nice bonus of letting me possibly upgrade to a HDMI model for free, but on the other hand, it has the downside of no delicious cake until it gets fixed.

I swear the gaming gods just don't want to shine on me, but at least I have Super Paper Mario to keep me entertained for a few more days. . . the rest of the time I may have to actually find something to occupy meself with.

07 November, 2007

Print, Sign, Fold, Stuff, Seal, Stamp, Stack. . .

So, turns out what I do at work right now is direct mail advertising.

For those playing at home who have no idea what that is, basically I take a letter (in the form of a word document), do a mail merge with one of our little databases of potential customers, print out the letter, all nicely individually addressed etc on some pretty paper. Then off I go spending hours upon hours signing them all, before folding them neatly and cramming them in an envelope with a brochure.

It sounds more interesting than it is, and I don't think it sounds that interesting.

There are other duties I have to do as well, arrange quotes for things, do orders for stationary. . . all of which I have no real clue about but can fake well enough until I get a good idea of the real way to do things. Except with those quotes, I'm still not too sure how the hell I'm meant to get a quote for something when I've only been given vague instructions of what the thing is. But that's just me.

Oh sure, there are other things that I can actually do and am meant to be doing, but essentially my job right now is filling envelopes with the paper equivalent of targeted spam.

Not bad seeing as it's easier than Subway and pays better, plus they didn't lie to me about the chair.

Hell, today, because the other two aren't in the office (yes, two other people work here, it's a bustling place but I somehow manage to survive the chaos), I'm all alone with my letter stuffing. So I brought in my laptop to have something to keep me sane.

Time to watch the first seven episodes of Heroes season 2 again. . .

04 November, 2007


I'm so incredibly bored that I figure I might get around to doing something that I haven't done in months.

Or not, rearranging the furniture in my bedroom is a boring activity and there isn't much I can do now that I've got the whole cable TV thing forcing me to leave the TV in the one spot.

Terrible jokes aside, I'm going to try blogging again, if only because I have a strange feeling that life will become incredibly boring in the next couple of weeks and I might as well record the really dull stuff for the world at large to read. Because nobody wants to read blogs about interesting things, now do they?

So, what's happened in my life since I abandoned my blog? Apparently quite a lot, but in reflection not really that much, but let's make a list for shits and giggles.

- Quit Subway
- Got a real job (I actually start tomorrow)
- Abandoned the ideals of being a teenager and turned into a desperate early 20s . . . thing
- Killed my old laptop
- Bought a new one for less than it would have cost to repair the old one (whilst still buying a Mac, which shows JUST how expensive fixing the old one would have been)
- Failed my driving test
- Some other minor things not really making note of

Oh yeah, there was also this thing with this girl named Su, won't bore you with the details but looks like I abandoned the whole single thing as well as the teenage thing, at about the same time too.

Moving right along, it turns out that the real job I got requires me to travel into the CBD every morning to get my ass in by 9am.

Not a problem in the slightest, seeing as Subway (before the whole management thing) required me to do that except instead of getting there at 9am I had to get there at 7:30am. The main difference between TRC and Subway is that TRC is about 750m (call it half a mile to the Americans) from Naked Coffee whereas Subway is pretty much two streets over from it. On the other hand, to avoid walking the 750m WITH coffee, I'd have to walk almost 1km without coffee to catch the train.

So my options are bus from outside my house and get coffee then walk, or train from 1km away and take my chances operating without caffeine.

It also means I can buy myself breakfast from places I know, at least for the initial period until I get used to the stores around my work then I can just catch two buses instead of one, barely walk at all, and get fat and lazy because my job requires very little moving from a comfy chair. At least, so I've been told, unless they lied to me.

They probably lied to me.