07 November, 2007

Print, Sign, Fold, Stuff, Seal, Stamp, Stack. . .

So, turns out what I do at work right now is direct mail advertising.

For those playing at home who have no idea what that is, basically I take a letter (in the form of a word document), do a mail merge with one of our little databases of potential customers, print out the letter, all nicely individually addressed etc on some pretty paper. Then off I go spending hours upon hours signing them all, before folding them neatly and cramming them in an envelope with a brochure.

It sounds more interesting than it is, and I don't think it sounds that interesting.

There are other duties I have to do as well, arrange quotes for things, do orders for stationary. . . all of which I have no real clue about but can fake well enough until I get a good idea of the real way to do things. Except with those quotes, I'm still not too sure how the hell I'm meant to get a quote for something when I've only been given vague instructions of what the thing is. But that's just me.

Oh sure, there are other things that I can actually do and am meant to be doing, but essentially my job right now is filling envelopes with the paper equivalent of targeted spam.

Not bad seeing as it's easier than Subway and pays better, plus they didn't lie to me about the chair.

Hell, today, because the other two aren't in the office (yes, two other people work here, it's a bustling place but I somehow manage to survive the chaos), I'm all alone with my letter stuffing. So I brought in my laptop to have something to keep me sane.

Time to watch the first seven episodes of Heroes season 2 again. . .

1 comment:

jayjayne said...

That is so epically awesome a jobly to have. I envy. I envy :0 lotz0rs.

And satchel sounds le goods for pressie, no?
