20 November, 2007

So . . . Damn . . . Bored. . .

It's been a slow couple of days at work, matter of fact, aside from the break up I've had nothing at all to do in the last two days.

So I've been browsing Gaia, smacking people with my mighty mod powers, watching Top Gear on YouTube and playing a little Winterbells.

None of those options held my attention for that long either, Winterbells in particular got boring fast after I remembered that I broke the high score playing it on my Wii one day using the Opera browser.

And now I've just had a meeting to "catch up" on how I'm going etc. Looks like things are going well, but I'm still probably going to be bored.

1 comment:

jayjayne said...

Go to a club, find a girl, get her pregnant.

Thing will get interesting.

Fast ;p

No, please don't take my advice. It's bad advice D; horrifying bad advice! I suggest you eat doritoes with flavours. Seriously, original flavoured doritoes? *Frown*

This is how I roooooooollll.

*mows down giant whale with itsy bitsy wings*