09 November, 2007

Finally, I Be Doing Things!

Well, it looks like I'm done with the first 1301 letters that I had to send off. Yes, 1301 letters, I did work out exactly how many letters I printed, signed, folded, stuffed into an envelope with a brochure, sealed, stamped and for about 100 stuck a sticker on the back of.

Now I'm progressing into other tasks that are part of my job. The "important" things. Like reorganising the stationery cupboard, calling a few people to arrange mettings, booking flights, placing orders and taking quotes. Oh, and the occasional bit of bludging.

It's actually not that bad, I've even devised a system to keep track of what I'm meant to be doing. It's a little complicated but I think you'll get the basic idea. . . essentially, I write what I need to do on a post it note and stick it to my desk.

Dozens of post it notes have served their purpose and expired already this week because of this practise, but it's most definitely worth it.

In other news, I'm going for my license tomorrow morning, as well as going out with Su tonight and probably a few other things.

So I'm a busy little beaver who shouldn't be wasting time posting boring old blog posts like this one. But I'll still do it because it's better than actually earning my paycheck.

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