06 January, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away.

It's a little bit wet today. A lot bit wet, if you want to be precise but let's not bother with details, the important thing is that I woke up this early afternoon to some high humidity and a clingy dog who could apparently see this coming.

That's right, my dull-witted pet seemed to know the water was incoming and decided that was a good excuse to come say "hello" and get a little attention. It would have been better if he just closed the windows because there are now several extremely wet patches of carpet around the house, which is normally a sign of a house member with a weak bladder but in this case means a lot of rain got in very quickly.

Overall the best part of this little sun shower is that my sister's car was getting aired (don't ask me, I didn't decide to do it) so the windows were open. In the 30 seconds that I was outside stopping the liquid from penetrating her vehicle's interior my body was soaked to the bone. There really was quite a bit of water.

Torrential downpours do have a nice upside though, because most of this week has had similar weather the dams may actually have some water in them. . . I can shower for more than 43 seconds without worrying bout draining the last of the city's water supply. Now my showers can be an amazing 47 seconds in length!

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