09 January, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Apparently this blog is too pessimistic and full of complaints.

Somehow I should have seen that coming, but oddly enough, despite the fact that most of this blog contains somewhat negative views that's mainly because I find it a) funnier, b) easier and most importantly c) more interesting to write. Honestly, I'm not that negative in reality, it's just how I like to present things.

So because of this observation, today's entry will be all happy, sunshine and flowers and puppy dog tails and other things associated with youthful joy.

I have an extraordinary knack to buy discount fast food. It's probably related to my years of "service" in the industry, but it appears that somehow the majority of the time I'm buying fast food it's for less than the full price. Oh, and this is without vouchers, vouchers are for less lazy people.

The odd thing about this innate ability of mine to get crappy non-food for cheap is that I only really noticed it yesterday, after I worked out the reason I didn't pay full price on Monday for my Subway was not because of an error by the guy at the register but because he gave me 10% deliberately. A realisation that came after it happened again. Nearly managed to get a free upgrade to a meal at Hungry Jacks the same day as well when the manager misread the screen, if I wasn't honest I would have had proof that I don't need to be directly involved for this discounting to occur. . . but alas, I didn't want the guy who took my order to get in trouble (and I had a bus to catch so I didn't have time for more than a burger *insert shifty eyed emoticon here*).

Discounts like these tend to happen more often at places I've worked, Subways, Hungry Jacks and that kebab store in Sunnybank Plaza . . . although I've got myself discounts at various KFCs as well somehow (I think that most have a "centre employee" discount and they thought I worked at the shopping centre we were in). So I'm drawing a bit of a blank why this regularly happens. . .

Must be my startlingly bubbly personality I guess.

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