26 January, 2008

Bookkeepers Rejoice As Guitar Hero Wins

So the Triple J Hottest 100 is over with for the year.

Regina Spektor's Real Love came in at a paltry #29, which is disappointing and of course practically everything else I've voted for did poorly as well. I think the highest ranked song I voted for was Soko's I'll Kill Her at #9, everything else came somewhere between #21 and #72 or didn't rank at all in the case of Sonata Arctica (which is pretty expected).

Although that's nothing, considering the big news from the day.

Silverchair's Straight Lines came in #2 instead of winning, like everyone expected (matter of fact it was the strongly backed favourite to win, and if it did win I'm sure the bookkeepers would have had to pay out a fair bit of money) and was beaten by Muse's Knights of Cydonia, a song which had practically no radio play and isn't even the best song on the album (which is in fact a good album, go "buy" it. Now.).

So how did a song by a British band which didn't see much radio play and is practically unheard of in the mainstream audience manage to win the world's biggest music poll?

Why it's quite simple. They cheated.

You see, Knights of Cydonia is one of the tracks playable in Guitar Hero 3, one of the my favourites in fact, despite it being one of the more difficult songs. So, like many other songs from GH3, they've experienced even greater success after the release of the game, meaning they got paid money to make more money.

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