14 November, 2007

Here's Something To Complain About

I've been trying for the last few days to sort out the issues with the monthly newsletter I'm meant to be sending out for work.

I think I've nutted out the problem and solved it, but the problem is that it's slightly too late for this run, so next time I should be able to fire it off without any issues. . .

This time though, I have to sort through the list of error messages that bounced back to me and send them a newsletter, in batches of ten to avoid killing the mail server for the third time. It's a long list.

Howells. It's going to be a long and painstaking process, the perfect thing to bitch about in a blog, no?


jayjayne said...

I tried to comment before and it died a sordid death.

Here's the general gist:
a) Newsletters are boring.
b) That was quite a boring post.
c) Nothing really interesting happens in your life, eh?


Trjn said...

I bought a new bus ticket today?

jayjayne said...

No. That's not interesting in le slightest, but conceeded, you dont' really have much in the way of options :P

Trjn said...

All the interesting stuff I can't talk about or won't talk about, depending on the various NDAs I'm under and the whole "kiss and tell" thing :p

There may be interesting things in my life, but I'm focusing on the dull because the dull I can talk about legally without feeling guilty.