23 July, 2007

Seems I Forgot Something

I kinda forgot this thing existed in the last week, I've been exhausted.

Let's see what has happened in my life since last I blogged. . .

- TV has yet to arrive, I'm lying in bed awaiting the phone call.
- Had my first driving lesson, didn't kill anyone.
- Read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows off of my computer screen.
- Went to HP&DH launch.
- Been completely exhausted.
- Went into the city and had both Nando's AND Naked Coffee, things I have so dearly missed.

So, if you need comments on any of those things, prod me with a comment, but seeing as nobody reads this, I doubt that'll happen, hence the lack of extrapolating now.

1 comment:

jayjayne said...

I read it!

But you have been posting in dot-form, and thus the lack of me commenting. BE INTERESTING DANG-EET.
