25 July, 2007


Dear lord I'm a moron sometimes.

I went to KMart after work today, thinking to pick up a microSD card for my R4 figuring that I had a reasonable chance of getting it in the mail today. I did get it in the mail today actually, as well as Jane's and Carlos'.

The important problem is that I went to KMart and first thing I did was see a Hot Fuzz & Shaun of the Dead DVD pack dohickey and my thoughts immediately turned to buying a DVD or two (including that pack). So I checked out the DVD section, picked up Austin Powers and the two previously mentioned bits of awesomeness, looked at the games section because they had a sale and didn't buy anything, even though it looked tempting to pick up Gears of War and Dead Rising (for my inevitable 360 purchase). . . then proceeded to the front counter.

Without the microSD card

The whole point of the excursion was to get a microSD card so that I could use my R4 as soon as I got it, but howells, if the world balances out I'm probably due a moment of brilliance now.

Didn't realise that I'd forgotten the card until I got home and saw a package with a Chinese address on it either.

Much headdesking.

Still, come on universal balance!

23 July, 2007

Seems I Forgot Something

I kinda forgot this thing existed in the last week, I've been exhausted.

Let's see what has happened in my life since last I blogged. . .

- TV has yet to arrive, I'm lying in bed awaiting the phone call.
- Had my first driving lesson, didn't kill anyone.
- Read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows off of my computer screen.
- Went to HP&DH launch.
- Been completely exhausted.
- Went into the city and had both Nando's AND Naked Coffee, things I have so dearly missed.

So, if you need comments on any of those things, prod me with a comment, but seeing as nobody reads this, I doubt that'll happen, hence the lack of extrapolating now.

17 July, 2007

Waiting. . . Waiting. . . Waiting. . . Fucksticks!

I waited all day yesterday for the new TV to arrive.

It didn't.

So around 5 o'clock I gave the store a call to find out what was going on, they said they'd call me back.

They didn't.

Called them again today after work, finally got it all sorted out. It's being delivered next Monday (they offered to do it tomorrow, but the problem is that the only day they deliver that I'll be home is Mondays, hence the initial first week break), which just isn't cool, seeing as I'm waiting another week for something I bought a week ago. Not cool.

But eventually, I'll get a new TV.

Eventually . . .

09 July, 2007

Trjn in HD

Today, I am finally a man.

Well, not really, I'm pretty sure that day came and went a little while ago, but I'm now officially getting myself a HDTV. A Samsung 32" HDTV.

It was marked as $1849, which is reasonable, but other places sell it cheaper. Went shopping around and managed to get the price down to $1639 (including delivery).

So long story short, new TV comes in a weeks time.

06 July, 2007

A Summary Of Points

Since last I blogged, here is a few points in my life (in order):

- Pen haet Trjn
- Still paid more for doing less
- Attack of the curtains
- penis! Penis! PENIS! PENIS!!!
- Bitchslapped
- My friends suck

05 July, 2007

I Had A Good Run

Work was incredibly boring today.

With the exception of one bitchy customer who wanted to "tell the manager" about me, because I didn't wrap her subs perfectly.

So looks like I'm going to have to fire my sorry ass, seeing as the whole point of me going there was to weed out shit employees and train the good ones, so if I'm one of the shit ones, I might as well sack myself else be rendered a hypocrite.

04 July, 2007

Well, That Was Easy

Just started at Market Square today.

The store is a shit heap, it's going to take a while to get things in shape, but the actual workload is easy. I just need to retrain the current staff, train the new staff (which at the moment is one Korean dude, but will be more once I start hiring) and get some system in place to bust heads and whatnot.

Shouldn't be hard, give me a week and I'll have the place running okay, give me a month and I'll have everyone doing what they're meant to be doing.

Failing that, I can just go get a new job.