17 June, 2007

I Didn't Know Cars Went That Slow

I'm going to buy myself an Xbox 360 sometime soon, my decision was made final last night when I crashed at Carlos'.

We played some FORZA 2 (I won't buy it, but that's beside the point), and after a series of 3 races, we decided for the last one we were just going to ram the shit out of each other, forget winning, whoever takes the least damage by the end of the race is probably the winner.

I lost dramatically,

It all came undone when I saw Carlos careen into a wall. . . so I lined him up and hit him like the fist of an angry god. Oddly enough, I came off worse in that collision and for the rest of the race (this was on the second corner) my car struggled to get up to 70kph.

The worst part was on the final stretch before the finish line (I assume it's referred to as the final straight or some such thing, but who cares about being correct with racing terminology?). . . where I was crawling along to the finish and Carlos (who had long since finished the race and had the CPU controlling his car) absolutely hammered me.

My top speed was reduced to 12kph, the car would start veering left and then for no reason veer to the right. . . it was fucking hilarious, but the downside was that it took me a further 2 minutes to finish the race, and I was lapped twice after that.

Matter of fact, to prove how fucked I was, I rammed into a wall and my car didn't get even slightly damaged (as far as we could tell, it was pretty fucked up), the downside to that manoeuvre was that I ended up taking another 30 seconds or so reversing away from the wall, and then another 30 seconds after that getting back to my astounding top speed.

Good times.

There's nothing left for me to do in that game.

But now I need a 360 and an LCD TV that displays in 1080i. Looks like I won't be buying a car anytime soon.

Oh, I also saw Ocean's Thirteen, went to Nando's for dinner (Carlos' brother, Oscar, referred to it as a terrorist convention because everyone but us was Muslim), found a copy of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Gamecube and probably some other minor things, but who cares? The important thing is I destroyed a pixelated car.

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