19 June, 2007

Bad Mistake There. . .

The admins at Gaia Online really fucked up this time, normally they make the occasional mistake and people seem to like to bitch about how stupid it is when it's not a huge deal.

But they made a huge mistake today, seriously, something that may result in the site going down like a cheap Vietnamese prostitute.

They made me a moderator.

When will people learn? I'm not good with authority, I like to be malicious, petty and cruel, not to mention thick-skulled, dull witted and probably a few other negative qualities. I also smell, but that might not be a huge issue in this circumstance.

1 comment:

jayjayne said...

You happen to smell like Subway.

I'm not sure if that's relevant to your position as mod though. Although I would of expected more traffic at your blog from people complaining. :P