14 January, 2008

Interstate Wanderings

A lot of things are happening rather quickly at work right now. Seems we're working on the whole expansion thing, so interstate offices are being opened.

More specifically, we're renting suites to use for meetings because the cost of serviced meeting rooms is getting expensive and having something more reliable may be the go.

This means that someone has to go down to Sydney next week to oversee the installation of signage and the delivery of furniture. That someone will be me, a person with no other use in the office but to sit around a vacant room telling guys to dump furniture in certain areas whilst tapping away on my laptop looking important.

Because I will be taking my laptop down with me to work on my little writing attempt. . . which is finally starting to take a real shape. Got meself a good idea of how the majority of the plot will work, decent character outlines and various other things that might be useful in writing a book.

Some of it has even been written down!

At this rate, I may attempt actually writing in the next week or so.

Whilst in Sydney, being paid to do nothing in particular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.